There are typically two different trains of thought when you here the words "Stake Conference".
The first is, "Well golly, what a wonderful chance to be spiritually fed."
The second is " Hell yea, a vacation without having to find a substitute to teach my 14 year old Sunday school class"

Last weekend, we went to Moab.
Megan ran
The Other Half Marathon.
It was not a personal best time, but she loved the course, even if it had a difficult profile.
God put the uphill sections in just the right places, and the scenery was beautiful.
She posted her fastest mile for the last mile and was excited to finish strong.

After we gave her enough time to take a quick shower, we went and hiked around Arches for the rest of the day.

The next morning, we woke the kids up at 5:45 AM and hiked in the dark up to see the sun rise over Delicate Arch. When i proposed the idea the night before, i was expecting a lot more resistance, but everybody was in for it. Sure we paid for it on the drive home that afternoon with some tired kids, but it was worth it. They even asked if we could "Race the Sun" again when we went on our next vacation.