After out-spelling all of the other kids in the 3rd grade, it came down to our #1 and a girl named Bella.
She is a good swimmer and soccer player, but an even better speller.
We were very "P" "R" "O" "U" "D" of her.
#1 gets her smarts from her mother who won her third grade spelling bee, but was then ignored by her classmates who instead went and congratulated the 2nd place speller who was much more popular than Megan.
After the spelling be we drove up to Pocatello to stay the night and go and do a bike race on Saturday.
We got to Idaho early enough that i could go and pre-ride the race course for the next day.
When we found the course it started hailing so hard i thought the windshield was going to break.
The weather was quite nice the next day but my legs were tired and i did not finish nearly as well as #1 did in her spelling bee.