Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sunny St George Cycling

We got to go Down to st George over the weekend and ride in some nicer weather.
By nicer weather, I mean it was 4 degrees warmer in sandy than in st george on Saturday.
Friday we did Utah mountain to mesquite and back and saw patches of snow on the side of the road at the summit. Actually we turned around at I -15 and got something to eat at the dam store because there was a wicked wind we were going to be fighting the whole climb back.
cousin Kevin is training for the st George ironman and put the hurt on the rest of us who are all a year older and a little fatter and not doing 4 hour trainer sessions right now.

Saturday we went out to quail hollow then to zions where we had another headwind going out, but by the time we grabbed something to eat and turned around it had all but died.
After most of the guys we rode with turned off to where they were staying or where they had parked their car so they wouldn't have to ride the whole distance, it started raining.
We got to ride the last 45 minutes in the rain.
Awesome warm st George riding.After riding in the rain, I was really looking forward to a nice hot shower.
Right after taking off all of my soaking clothes in the garage and walking in the door, we were greeted by the kids all wearing swimming suits.
We headed over to the community pool where we swam for almost 20 minutes before they shut the pool down because someone poohed in the pool

Here is the guy that had to scoop it out

The main reason for this post is so the child molester picture isn't the first entry when you pull up this blog.

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